VINACONEX organizes periodical health check for employees - Trang chủ | Vinaconex


VINACONEX organizes periodical health check for employees

Mon , 10/01/2022, 00:00:00 (GMT+7)

To comply with the provisions of the Labor Code and the Corporation's Labor Agreement on health care for employees, in mid-December 2021, Vinaconex Corporation cooperated with Medi Plus Medical Complex to organize an organization Periodic medical examination for all employees of the professional departments, the Management Board, the Executive Board of the TCT project in 2021.

VINACONEX organizes periodical health check for employees
Comply with the 5K rule, ensure safety during the sampling process

VINACONEX organizes periodical health check for employees

VINACONEX organizes periodical health check for employees
Employees are divided and arranged for medical examination according to specific time frames to ensure safe distance

The contents of the package of periodical health check-ups performed by the Corporation for employees include: general examination, specialized examination, ultrasound, X-ray, blood analysis tests, specialized biochemistry...

VINACONEX organizes periodical health check for employees
In-depth medical examination to diagnose, detect early signs of disease and propose treatment plans

VINACONEX organizes periodical health check for employees

Periodic health checks not only help employers understand the health status of employees, thereby making appropriate work adjustments, but also help employees detect the earliest signs of abnormality. There is a risk of developing a pathology for timely treatment.

VINACONEX organizes periodical health check for employees
Employees are supported and consulted by medical staff during the medical examination

In addition, the annual health check shows the interest of the Party Committee, Board of Directors, Board of General Directors and Trade Union of TCT to the life and health of employees, contributing to the Corporation's efforts to implement implementation of production and business tasks in 2021 and set targets./.

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