VINACONEX was named one of Vietnam's Top 50 Best Enterprises - Trang chủ | Vinaconex


VINACONEX was named one of Vietnam's Top 50 Best Enterprises

Fri , 14/01/2022, 00:00:00 (GMT+7)

On January 14, in Hanoi, Vinaconex was honored to be presented in the "Top 50 Best Enterprises in Vietnam 2021", an award voted on and ranked by Vietnam Report and Vietnamnet Newspaper. This was a great honor in recognizing the accomplishments and efforts of the Corporation's employees.
The VNR500 rating is now in its 15th year of finding, rewarding, and honoring the worthy accomplishments of large-scale enterprises that have maintained efficiency, stability in production and business activities as well as persevered at the forefront of the national economy during a difficult period due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Accordingly, the Vietnam Report’s ranking is primarily based on total revenue and other business performance evaluation criteria (including total assets, total number of employees, growth rate, profit, and enterprise reputation in the media) to evaluate the present state of the overall capacity of the enterprise.

VINACONEX was named one of Vietnam's Top 50 Best Enterprises
Deputy General Director Nguyen Khac Hai, on behalf of the Corporation, receiving the Certificate of the Top 50 Best Enterprises in Vietnam 2021.

Vinaconex's production and business activities encountered many challenges in 2021, especially securing the completion of building projects on schedule was very challenging due to the implementation of social distancing, and rotating shift work for a long time. However, with a proactive and adaptable approach, Vinaconex has attempted to maintain safe and stable production and business activities, and devised several solutions to avoid disrupting the construction progress.

VINACONEX was named one of Vietnam's Top 50 Best Enterprises
Vinaconex and outstanding enterprises receiving the awards

In the first nine months of 2021, the Corporation achieved consolidated revenue of VND 3,610 billion and consolidated pre-tax profit of VND 535 billion. Vinaconex brand has continued to be chosen and recognized in several prestigious lists, including the Top 10 Most Reputable Building Contractors in 2021 (voted by Vietnam Report), Top 50 Best-Listed Companies in Vietnam in 2021 (voted by Forbes), the Top 10 Vietnam-Typical Enterprises - Vietnam Award, etc.

Over the past 3 years of equity restructuring, Vinaconex has effectively performed the restructuring, streamlined the investment portfolio with a strategy of avoiding sprawling investment, divesting capital in underperforming businesses, and concentrating on three core areas: construction, real estate, and financial investment.

In addition to leading the business to stand steady in the crisis and seeking opportunities for breakthrough development, Vincanex was usually referred to as the pioneer in community-oriented activities. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Vinaconex not only provided practical assistance to the workers during the social distancing period but also took the lead in funding activities for epidemic prevention and control in Vietnam with an amount of nearly VND 25 billion. In the near future, VINACONEX and its member units would keep funding and having more meaningful activities, contributing to the community's efforts to prevent and control the pandemic.

Thanks to a methodical and inventive corporate strategy, high social responsibility, and a strong national spirit, Vinaconex has not only ranked highly in business rankings but also gained more credibility and popularity among the public.


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