Vinaconex reached the Top 4 prestigious construction contractors in 2022 - Trang chủ | Vinaconex


Vinaconex reached the Top 4 prestigious construction contractors in 2022

Thu , 14/04/2022, 00:00:00 (GMT+7)

Vietnam Assessment Report Joint Stock Company has officially announced the Top 10 Prestigious Companies in the Construction Industry - Building Materials in 2022. Vinaconex continues to rank up, reaching the Top 4 most prestigious Vietnamese construction contractors. 2022. Vinaconex reached the Top 4 prestigious construction contractors in 2022

This is an independent research result of Vietnam Report, built on scientific and objective principles. Reputation of companies is assessed based on research on the influence of financial factors, corporate image in the media and assessment of industry stakeholders, specifically including: Financial capacity shown on the most recent financial statements; Media reputation is assessed by Media Coding method; Survey of research subjects and stakeholders in the period of 2021 - 2022 is also used as an additional factor to determine the position of enterprises in the industry.

According to Vietnam Report's assessment, among economic sectors, enterprises in the Construction - Building Materials industry in particular and the Real Estate - Construction - Building Materials industry ecosystem in general are quite active. against the effects of the pandemic thanks to the crisis management experience gained more than ten years ago. A survey by Vietnam Report shows that 86.7% of enterprises in the industry have prepared well, reacted immediately, adapted well and suffered little impact. The official announcement ceremony will be held on April 22, 2022 at the National Convention Center, Hanoi.

Vinaconex reached the Top 4 prestigious construction contractors in 2022 Vinaconex is honored to be the contractor participating in the construction of Component 3 Project, under the Construction Investment Project of Long Thanh International Airport Phase 1.

Due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, 2021 continues to be a volatile and difficult time for the domestic and foreign business community. But with the spirit of solidarity and determination to overcome all difficulties, Vinaconex Corporation has made great efforts to perform well the dual task (both production - and disease prevention), achieving many achievements in production and business activities, established a solid financial foundation and developed a development strategy in the main areas of activity, namely Construction, Real Estate and Financial Investment.
In 2022, affirming the position of the top leading contractors, Vinaconex Corporation continues to be selected to participate in the construction of large-scale projects, national key projects such as large-scale construction and installation bidding packages. of the Component 3 Project, under the Phase 1 Investment and Construction Project of Long Thanh International Airport; Vung Ang 2 Thermal Power Plant… The Corporation is also speeding up the works under the Vinh Tuy Bridge project (phase 2), the East North-South expressway construction investment project; Phu Bai international airport; Van Ninh general port, FDI projects, Cat Ba - Amatina tourist urban area project...
At the 2022 Annual General Meeting, scheduled to take place on April 21, 2022, Vinaconex submitted a production and business plan that increased nearly 3 times compared to 2021 with consolidated revenue of VND 15,300 billion, profit after tax of VND 1,400 billion. 28% dividend payment plan includes 18% in cash, 10% in shares. This dividend payment is higher than the average of enterprises in the field of construction and real estate listed on the floor.

In 2021, the Corporation's consolidated data shows that sales and service provision revenue reached VND 5,750 billion, a slight increase over the same period last year, profit before tax of the Corporation reached VND 718 billion, profit after tax reached 520 billion dong.

As of December 31, 2021, Vinaconex has total assets of VND 30,969 billion, 40% higher than the beginning of the period.