Vinaconex - Trung Nam E&C Consortium: Hop Long, the longest bridge on the highway Mai Son - National Highway 45, 21 days...


Vinaconex - Trung Nam E&C Consortium: Hop Long, the longest bridge on the highway Mai Son - National Highway 45, 21 days

Sat , 09/04/2022, 01:00:00 (GMT+7)

On the morning of April 9, Thang Long Project Management Board coordinated with Vinaconex - Trung Nam E&C contractor consortium to merge the main span of Nui Do bridge, a 1,646 m long bridge spanning the Chu River in Thieu Hoa district (Thanh Hoa province). ) and is the longest bridge on the highway section Mai Son - National Highway 45 of the investment project to build the North - South expressway.

The ceremony was attended by:

  1. Mr. Ho Ngoc Loan, Deputy Director of Thang Long Project Management Board - Ministry of Transport
  2. Mr. Luong Van Long, Head of the North-South Expressway Project Management Office, section Mai Son - National Highway 45

On the side of local leaders, there are:

  1. Mr. Nguyen The Anh, Chairman of Thieu Hoa District People's Committee
  2. Mr. Nguyen Van Phuc, Vice Chairman of Thieu Hoa District People's Committee

On the VINACONEX side, there are:

  1. Mr. Bui Huy Thai, Deputy Director of Project Management Unit 1 Corporation
  2. Mr. Dinh Manh Toan, Executive Director of Vinaconex Joint Venture - Trung Nam E&C

Together with supervision consulting units, construction contractors…

Vinaconex - Trung Nam E&C consortium is honored to be the unit implementing the XL-14 package for construction of the section Km318+000 - Km337+478.11 (including survey, construction drawing design) with a value of nearly 2,500 billion VND; implementation period 24 months. The bidding package has a segment length of 19.49km passing through 5 districts and cities of Thanh Hoa province, including: Thieu Hoa district, Dong Son district, Trieu Son district, Nong Cong district, Thanh Hoa city.

Vinaconex - Trung Nam E&C Consortium: Hop Long, the longest bridge on the highway Mai Son - National Highway 45, 21 days

Do mountain bridge crosses the Chu river, the section crosses the territory of Thieu Hoa district, Thanh Hoa province

Located in the overall, Nui Do Bridge is a bridge spanning the Chu River, more than 1,646 m long and the longest bridge in the Mai Son - National Highway 45 expressway project.

According to the design, the main bridge girder uses continuous prestressed reinforced concrete beams constructed by the balanced cantilever method; The bridge's cross section is 23.5m, including 4 lanes and has a median and safety strip.

Vinaconex - Trung Nam E&C Consortium: Hop Long, the longest bridge on the highway Mai Son - National Highway 45, 21 days

Do mountain bridge has a total length of 1,646.9m and is the longest bridge on the Mai Son - National Highway 45 highway.


With a high sense of responsibility for the meaning and importance of the project, Vinaconex - Trung Nam E&C Joint Venture has made great efforts to overcome difficulties, complete the construction of items outside the river to overcome the flood of the Chu River as planned. and conduct Hop Long main span on April 9, 2022 (21 days ahead of schedule).

Speaking at the ceremony, Mr. Ho Ngoc Loan, Deputy Director of Thang Long Project Management Board - Ministry of Transport congratulated Vinaconex - Trung Nam E&C contractor consortium on completing the final span of Nui Do Bridge and the bridge. the largest section of Mai Son - National Highway 45, creating a premise for the Joint Venture to complete the bridge in particular and the package in general as planned. The Deputy Director requested the relevant units to closely coordinate and control the quality of the works so that the XL14 package in particular and the entire Mai Son - National Highway 45 project can be completed with the right quality and schedule, meeting the plan set by the Ministry of Finance. Transport proposed.

Vinaconex - Trung Nam E&C Consortium: Hop Long, the longest bridge on the highway Mai Son - National Highway 45, 21 days

Mr. Ho Ngoc Loan, Deputy Director of Thang Long PMU - Ministry of Transport spoke at the ceremony

Vinaconex - Trung Nam E&C Consortium: Hop Long, the longest bridge on the highway Mai Son - National Highway 45, 21 days

Vinaconex - Trung Nam E&C contractor consortium joins the main span of Nui Do bridge 21 days ahead of schedule

Vinaconex - Trung Nam E&C Consortium: Hop Long, the longest bridge on the highway Mai Son - National Highway 45, 21 days

Concrete batches are pumped to combine the longest bridge on Mai Son highway - National Highway 45

Vinaconex - Trung Nam E&C Consortium: Hop Long, the longest bridge on the highway Mai Son - National Highway 45, 21 days

Attendees took souvenir photos at the project

From the time the project was started and until now by means of speeding up measures such as overtime, increasing working hours, engineers and workers at the project have been constructing through holidays, adjusting progress, increasing equipment and machinery and constantly improving construction technology.

Vinaconex - Trung Nam E&C Consortium: Hop Long, the longest bridge on the highway Mai Son - National Highway 45, 21 days

Hoping the main span of Nui Do bridge ahead of schedule is a great effort of Vinaconex - Trung Nam E&C contractor consortium.

Vinaconex - Trung Nam E&C Consortium: Hop Long, the longest bridge on the highway Mai Son - National Highway 45, 21 days

Vinaconex - Trung Nam E&C Consortium: Hop Long, the longest bridge on the highway Mai Son - National Highway 45, 21 days

Quality assurance and progress are prerequisites for the package to arrive on schedule

Vinaconex - Trung Nam E&C Consortium: Hop Long, the longest bridge on the highway Mai Son - National Highway 45, 21 days

On the side of the construction unit at the project, Vinaconex - Trung Nam E&C Joint Venture commits to continue its efforts and accelerate the completion of the remaining items on the main route in order to meet the schedule and ensure communication conditions. technical vehicles as planned on September 30, 2022; while enhancing the brand reputation of Vietnamese contractors and Vinaconex in particular in the field of modern and large-scale expressway construction.

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