Training Conference On Party Work - Trang chủ | Vinaconex


Training Conference On Party Work

Thu , 09/03/2023, 14:00:00 (GMT+7)

The utilities provided by “The Party Member Handbook”," “Operational management of Party Member” applications, particularly in delivering official information to Party members, have contributed to the concurrence of awareness, thought, motivation, and action in the Party, the consensus in society as well as served as a prerequisite for the successful implementation of political tasks of the Party in general and VINACONEX Corporation’s Party Committee in particular.

In accordance with the Hanoi City Party Committee's direction on providing official, complete, and timely information to officials and party members, on the morning of March 9, at Vinaconex’s Headquarters, the Corporation’s Party Committee in cooperation with Tan Dan Informatics JSC and the Inspection Committee of the Municipal Party Committee held a conference to train, guide the use of “The Party Member Handbook”," “Operational management of Party Member” applications, grasping the fundamental concepts of Party's inspection and supervision work.

Participating in the training at the Conference were:

  • Mrs. Tran Thi Thu Huong, Inspection Committee Member of the Municipal Party Committee, Head of Professional Division V, Inspection Agency of the Municipal Party Committee.
  • Representative of Tan Dan Informatics JSC 

On the Corporation’s Party Committee, there was the attendance of:

  • Mr. Nguyen Manh Cuong, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Head of the Propaganda Department of the Corporation’s Party Committee. 
  • Mr. Dang Thanh Huan Standing Committee member, Chairman of the Corporation’s Party Inspection Committee.

Along with the members of the Party Executive Committee, the Corporation’s Party Inspection Committee; Heads/Deputies of Party Committees; Youth Union representatives; Head of the Organizing Committee; Officials in charge of Party work; the Chairperson/Vice Chairperson of the Inspection Committee under the grassroots Party Committees; comrades at the upper-level in charge of inspecting the grassroots level units.

Training Conference On Party Work
Overview of the Conference

In the opening speech, Mr. Nguyen Manh Cuong, Standing Deputy, Head of the Propaganda Department of the Corporation’s Party Committee emphasized the significance of the training material; at the same time, he recommended that the conference attendees shall learn, absorb, and convey the professional and Party works at the grassroots units, thereby assisting in the efficient implementation of political tasks of VINACONEX’s Party Committee in the new period and aggressively supporting the digitization policy under the guidance of the Municipal Party Committee.

Training Conference On Party Work
Mr. Nguyen Manh Truong giving his opening speech

Under the guidance of specialists, participants at the conference received training and practice using the “The Party Member Handbook”, “Operational management of Party Member” applications, which included an overview of the Party Member Handbook application, instruction for installing it, account registration and approval, functions for party members, functions for Party branch secretary (make announcements, set meeting, resolution learning schedules, assess the work of learning resolutions, etc.); instruction for updating and approving news, posts (for administration at the upper-level).

Training Conference On Party Work
Training and practicing the applications served for Party work
Training Conference On Party Work

Participants in the conference also listened to Mrs. Tran Thi Thu Huong, a member of the Municipal Party Committee's Inspection Committee, grasping the fundamental concepts of the Party's inspection and supervision work in accordance with the direction of the Party Committee and the upper-level Party Inspection Committee.

Training Conference On Party Work
Mrs. Tran Thi Thu Huong reporting the Party’s inspection and supervision

With high determination and unanimity of VINACONEX officials and party members, the training conference delivered fundamental content to serve the Party work implementation at the Corporation and contribute to successfully implementing the political tasks and goals of VINACONEX’s Party Committee in the new period as well.

Some photos at the conference

Training Conference On Party Work
The conference had the presence of representatives of Party Committees, Youth Unions, officials in charge from the Party Committees of Vinaconex, and grassroots units.
Training Conference On Party Work
Delegates practicing the applications
Training Conference On Party Work
Experts guide the work of developing and exploiting software applications
Training Conference On Party Work
Understanding and conveying professional and Party works at grassroots units were the requirements and duties of the delegates attending the Conference.


