Vinaconex Party Committee Held The Preliminary Mid-Term Conference Of The 5th Congress (2020 - 2025 Term) - Trang chủ |...


Vinaconex Party Committee Held The Preliminary Mid-Term Conference Of The 5th Congress (2020 - 2025 Term)

Fri , 05/05/2023, 14:00:00 (GMT+7)

Implementing the Communist Party of Vietnam's Charter; Plan No.134 - KH/TU dated February 17, 2023 of the Hanoi Party Committee; Plan No. 27 - KH/DU dated March 18, 2023 of the Vinaconex Party Committee on conducting a mid-term preliminary review of the work of the Corporation's Party Committee of the 5th Congress, tenure of 2020 to 2025, the Corporation's Party Committee held a preliminary midterm conference of the Corporation’s 5th Party Congress on May 5, 2023, at the Corporation’s headquarters. Mr. Nguyen Quang Duc - a member of the Municipal Party Standing Committee, Head of the Commission of Internal Affairs, and representatives of the Municipal Party Committees attended and chaired the Conference.

Vinaconex Party Committee Held The Preliminary Mid-Term Conference Of The 5th Congress (2020 - 2025 Term)
Overview of the Conference

On Vinaconex's side, there were the presence of:

  • Mr. Dao Ngoc Thanh, Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the Corporation’s Board of Directors.
  • Mr. Nguyen Manh Cuong, Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Party Committee, President of the Corporation’s Trade Union.
  • Mr. Duong Van Mau, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Standing Deputy General Director of the Corporation
  • Together with the members of the Standing Committee, Executive Committeel; members of the Board of Directors, the Board of Management, members of the Committees under the Corporation’s Party Committee; The Secretary comrades, General Director/Director of member units.
Vinaconex Party Committee Held The Preliminary Mid-Term Conference Of The 5th Congress (2020 - 2025 Term)
The Presidium of the Conference


The conference was held under the chairmanship of Mr. Dao Ngoc Thanh, Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the Corporation’s Board of Directors; Mr. Nguyen Manh Cuong, Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Party Committee, President of the Corporation’s Trade Union; Mr. Duong Van Mau, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Standing Deputy General Director of the Corporation.
Vinaconex Party Committee Held The Preliminary Mid-Term Conference Of The 5th Congress (2020 - 2025 Term)
Mr. Nguyen Manh Cuong, Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Party Committee, President of the Corporation’s Trade Union presenting the Mid-term Preliminary Report 

Mr. Nguyen Manh Cuong, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the Trade Union of TCT reported a preliminary midterm conference of the Corporation’s 5th Party Congress for the term of 2020 - 2025, he said that despite of Covid-19 pandemic, and market obstacles, Vinaconex's employees and party members remained determined and innovative in implementing the 5th Party Congress Resolution, accomplishing the socio-economic objectives and enhancing the brands reputation; besides, the Corporation has expanded its operations through three core areas of construction, real estate investment and financial investment; alongside implementing innovative strategies for efficient management and administration. In particular, The Corporation is primarily dedicated to the Party building work. 87-97% of Party organizations at grassroots level in the entire Party Committee were assessed to have completed their designated responsibilities well; 100% of Party members achieved the title of task fulfillment, etc. The corporation had a good performance in market developing, seeking out business opportunities; engaged in bidding and won a lot of substantial projects across various sectors, such as traffic, civil, industry constructions with a total winning value of over VND10,000 billion. The notable packages can be named the traffic package 3XL of Phan Thiet - Dau Giay section, package XL04 of Vinh Hao - Phan Thiet section, some component packages of the North-South expressway public investment project, phase 2, sections of Bai Vot - Ham Nghi, Van Phong - Nha Trang, etc; the Ialy hydropower plant expansion project, Vinh Tuy bridge phase 2 and so on.
Investment activities prioritize projects serving the genuine needs of the people such as Green Diamond 93 Lang Ha, Hanoi; Cat Ba Amatina, Hai Phong and various real estate projects throughout the country. 
The Corporation has made profitable divestments in a number of subsidiaries and joint ventures and associates, bringing in large revenue, profit and cash flow.
Until the end of the term, the Corporation’s Party Committee has set the goals of increasing annual revenue and profit by 15-25%; aiming to achieve a consolidated revenue of VND 30,000 billion by 2025 with a pre-tax profit of VND 2,000 billion; determined to maintain the position as one of the top three construction enterprises, top 10 leading Vietnamese enterprises in investment and real estate business, top 5 leading enterprises in industrial park infrastructure development in Vietnam, enhancing average income of employees by 5-10% per year, etc.

Vinaconex Party Committee Held The Preliminary Mid-Term Conference Of The 5th Congress (2020 - 2025 Term)
Mr. Duong Van Mau, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Standing Deputy General Director of the Corporation reports on reviewing the leadership and guidance of the Mid-term Party Executive Committee.

Reporting on reviewing the leadership and guidance of the Mid-term Party Executive Committee, Mr. Duong Van Mau, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Standing Deputy General Director of the Corporation stated that the Corporation’s Party Committee has developed five full-term programs, resolutions, and directives, in line with the Resolution of the 7th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam and the Resolution of the 5th Corporation’s Party Congress in order to effectively guide and implement political tasks of the Party Committee as well as production and business activities; The Party Committee seriously instructed yearly review, evaluation, and classification of grassroots party organizations and members in keeping with the Central Resolution No. 4 (12th tenure) on Party building and rectification, and the Municipal Party Committee’s guidance; also promoting the learning and following of Ho Chi Minh's thought, morality and style.
In the past half tenure, the Corporation’s Party Committee has effectively implemented the hiring, transfer, and deployment of officials under the Corporation's management. This has been a crucial task aiming to enhance the skills and qualifications of employees, thus enabling them to contribute to the success of the Corporation and member units.
In support of the collective mission, the speeches analyzing and evaluating the current situation as well as solutions were presented and proposed at the Conference.

Vinaconex Party Committee Held The Preliminary Mid-Term Conference Of The 5th Congress (2020 - 2025 Term)
Mr. Nguyen Quang Duc, Member of the Municipal Party Standing Committee, Head of the Commission of Internal Affairs giving a directing speech at the Conference.

In his remarks, Member of the Municipal Party Standing Committee, Head of the Commission of Internal Affairs - Mr. Nguyen Quang Duc commended the accomplishments of Vinaconex's Party Committee during the first half of the tenure, and expressed his impression with the production and business outcomes including winning bids for many key projects across the country with a construction value of over VND10 trillion.
According to Mr. Nguyen Quang Duc, Vinaconex has leveraged their 35-year track record in construction to maximize their strengths, position, and brand, resulting in great economic benefits to the Corporation as well as contributing to the national socio-economic development.
He requested Vinaconex Party Committee to review the objectives, build on the successes, address the shortcomings, and aim to fulfill their objectives and duties set out by the Corporation's Party Congress in the future; simultaneously, keep promoting political and ideological education for the workforce and party members; enhance the impact of Party organizations in businesses.
Head of the Commission of Internal Affairs said that Hanoi is undertaking several significant projects including the Ring Road No. 4 project; renovating and rebuilding old apartment buildings, etc. This is an opportunity for Vinaconex as well as businesses; He requested Vinaconex to continue following closely and actively registering to implement key projects of Hanoi, contributing more to the Capital’s socio-economic development mission.

Vinaconex Party Committee Held The Preliminary Mid-Term Conference Of The 5th Congress (2020 - 2025 Term)
Mr. Dao Ngoc Thanh, Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the Corporation’s Board of Directors giving the concluding speech at the Conference.

Mr. Dao Ngoc Thanh, Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the Corporation’s BOD expressed appreciation and received valuable guidance from top-level leaders. In the near future, in order to fulfill the set goals and further enhance the reputation of Vinaconex, he proposed that individuals and units shall continue upholding tradition and creating a Party Committee that is clean, robust, democratic, inventive, and creative. The objective is to become a top corporation in the construction and real estate fields by 2025 and attain a professional level on par with Vietnam and Southeast Asia. All party committees in the Corporaton and all units shall adhere to the guidelines for work coordinating with the Board of Directors, Board of Management of the Corporation in implementing works, exchanging information, organizing party work activities in alignment with specific reality of each unit and fostering interactive activities, enhancing the efficiency of production and business operations, etc. To fulfill the mission’s objectives more effectively, it is essential to enhance personnel work and coordination between socio-political organization and executive boards in the businesses.
The chairman of Vinaconex’s BOD exhorted all officials, party members, and employees to keep promoting the spirit of solidarity, demonstrate bravery, collective intelligence, creative efforts, overcome the obstacles, promote the corporative culture and brandname, obtain more achivements for contribution to the community and society on the occasion of the 35th anniversary celebration of Vinaconex’s establishment ./.

Some photos taken in the Conference:

Vinaconex Party Committee Held The Preliminary Mid-Term Conference Of The 5th Congress (2020 - 2025 Term)
The conference had the attendence of leaders of the Corporation and delegates in all units.
Vinaconex Party Committee Held The Preliminary Mid-Term Conference Of The 5th Congress (2020 - 2025 Term)
Vinaconex Party Committee Held The Preliminary Mid-Term Conference Of The 5th Congress (2020 - 2025 Term)
Vinaconex Party Committee Held The Preliminary Mid-Term Conference Of The 5th Congress (2020 - 2025 Term)
Delegates sharing their ideas and engaging in discussions at the Conference
Vinaconex Party Committee Held The Preliminary Mid-Term Conference Of The 5th Congress (2020 - 2025 Term)
Vinaconex Party Committee Held The Preliminary Mid-Term Conference Of The 5th Congress (2020 - 2025 Term)
Vinaconex Party Committee is committed to achieving the objectives and tasks with the determination, consensus, innovation and creativity
Vinaconex Party Committee Held The Preliminary Mid-Term Conference Of The 5th Congress (2020 - 2025 Term)

