Congresses Of Grassroots Trade Unions Under Vinaconex Corporation - Trang chủ | Vinaconex


Congresses Of Grassroots Trade Unions Under Vinaconex Corporation

Wed , 01/03/2023, 10:30:00 (GMT+7)

To welcome the 6th Trade Union Congress of VINACONEX Corporation for the term 2023–2028, on February 24-28, 2023, the Trade Union Congresses at the grassroots level for the term 2023-2028 were successfully organized by Grassroots Trade Unions of Northern Electricity Development & Investment JSC No.2  (NEDI 2), Vinaconex Trading Development JSC (VCTD), VIWACO JSC, Vinaconex Construction One Member Co., Ltd (CM) and VIMECO JSC. The congresses were held in complete accordance with the procedures and guidelines set forth by the upper-level trade unions with the presence of the representatives of the Standing Committee and other Committees from the Corporation’s Trade Union.
The attending delegates at the congresses elected the new Executive Committees for the term 2023-2028 with creditable election results.
The assessment shows that the Executive Committee personnel of the trade unions for a new term are reputable officers having leadership capacity, good qualities, experience in union operations, assuring the representation and composition structures.

Congresses Of Grassroots Trade Unions Under Vinaconex Corporation
Mr. Nguyen Manh Cuong, President of the Corporation’s Trade Union giving a speech at the conference on implementing the preparatory work for the 6th Corporation's Trade Union Congress.

In March 2023, grassroots Trade Unions under the Corporation's Trade Union system would continue to hold congresses in accordance with the plan set out and completed prior to the 6th Corporation's Trade Union Congress for the term 2023-2028 to be held in April 2023..

Some photos of grassroots trade union congresses:

Congresses Of Grassroots Trade Unions Under Vinaconex Corporation
The grassroots Trade Union Congress of VINACONEX CM Company took place successfully.
Congresses Of Grassroots Trade Unions Under Vinaconex Corporation
Congresses Of Grassroots Trade Unions Under Vinaconex Corporation
Mr. Tran Quang Trung, Head of the Human Resources Department was re-elected as President of VINACONEX CM’s Trade Union.
Congresses Of Grassroots Trade Unions Under Vinaconex Corporation
The debut of NEDI 2’s Executive Committee at the Congress
Congresses Of Grassroots Trade Unions Under Vinaconex Corporation
The debut of VCTD’s Executive Committee for the term 2023 – 2028 at the Congress
Congresses Of Grassroots Trade Unions Under Vinaconex Corporation
The grassroots Trade Union Congress of VIWACO JSC took place successfully.
Congresses Of Grassroots Trade Unions Under Vinaconex Corporation
Delegates attending the Trade Union Congress of VIMECO JSC elected the 7th Executive Committee of the company’s Trade union for the term 2023 – 2028.
Congresses Of Grassroots Trade Unions Under Vinaconex Corporation
Mr. Le The Hung was re-elected as President of VIMECO JSC’s Trade Union for the term 2023 – 2028.

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