The 5th Congress of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union of VINACONEX Corporation was a great success - Trang chủ | Vin...


The 5th Congress of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union of VINACONEX Corporation was a great success

Mon , 18/04/2022, 02:22:11 (GMT+7)

On April 16, 2022, the 5th Congress of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union of Vietnam Construction and Import-Export Corporation (VINACONEX), term 2022-2027 took place successfully with the participation attended by 128 elite youth delegates. This event was selected by the Hanoi Youth Union to organize the City-level Point Congress.

The 5th Congress of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union of VINACONEX Corporation was a great success

The 5th Congress of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union of Vietnam Construction and Import-Export Corporation (VINACONEX) for the 2022-2027 term is an important political event and a great festival for the youth of the Agency.

The Congress is honored to welcome:

* From the Central Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union:

1. Mr. Bui Minh Tuan – Member of the Standing Committee, Head of the Organization Committee of the Central Youth Union.

* On the side of the Hanoi Party Committee:

1. Mr. Nguyen Quang Duc – Member of Standing Committee, Head of Internal Affairs Committee of Hanoi Party Committee;

2. Mr. Trinh Huy Thanh – Standing Deputy Head of the Standing Committee of the City Party Committee's Mass Mobilization Committee;

2. Ms. Trieu Thi Ngoc – Deputy Head of the Organizing Committee of the Hanoi Party Committee;

* On the side of Hanoi Youth Union:

1. Mr. Chu Hong Minh, UVBTV Central Youth Union, Member, Secretary of Hanoi Youth Union

2. Mr. Nguyen Duc Tien, Central Committee of the Youth Union, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Youth Union, Chairman of the Hanoi Youth Union

3. Mr. Bui Thi Lan Phuong, Deputy Secretary of the Youth Union, Chairman of the Hanoi City Team Council

* On the side of leaders of VINACONEX Corporation:

1.D/C Dao Ngoc Thanh – Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Corporation

2. Mr/Ms Nguyen Duy Dung – Chairman of the Corporation's Advisory Council

3. Mr. Nguyen Manh Cuong – Standing Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the Trade Union of the Corporation

4. Mr. Nguyen Khac Hai – Deputy General Director of the Corporation

5. Mr/C Tran Dinh Tuan – Deputy General Director of the Corporation

Together with the members of the Standing Committee of the Hanoi Youth Union, representatives of the Committees of the Hanoi Youth Union, and the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of the Youth Union of the units of the Hanoi Youth Union. , members of the Executive Committee of the Corporation's Party Committee, members of the Board of Directors, Advisory Council, Supervisory Board, Director/Deputy Director of the Corporation's professional departments; the Secretary of the Party Committee, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the General Directors of the member companies of VINACONEX, representatives of the media agencies attended and reported on the Congress.

The 5th Congress of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union of VINACONEX Corporation was a great success

The congress was attended by 128 delegates, elite youth belonging to the Corporation's Youth Union facilities, and distinguished guests.

The Congress of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union of VINACONEX Corporation, term 2022-2027, conducted 06 contents:

1. Assessment of youth work, results of implementation of the resolution of the 4th Congress of the Youth Union of VINACONEX Corporation, term 2017 - 2022; decide on goals, tasks and solutions for Youth Union work and youth movements of the Corporation's Youth Union for the term 2022 - 2027;

2. Reviewing the leadership of the Executive Committee of the Youth Union of the Corporation, term IV;

3. Electing the Executive Committee of the Youth Union of the Corporation, term V, is really a collective with solid political bravery, capacity, qualifications and prestige, representing the will and aspirations of the General's youth. company;

4.Elect comrade Secretary of the Youth Union, term 5, who is truly typical, has comprehensive leadership ability to work with the Executive Committee to successfully perform all tasks and work programs of the Youth Union and youth movement. children in the new period;

5. Discussing and commenting on the draft document of the 16th Congress of the Hanoi Youth Union;

6. Elect a delegation representing the will and aspirations of the youth of VINACONEX to attend the 16th Congress of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union in Hanoi, term 2022 - 2027.

After 4 years of restructuring, operating under the model of an enterprise without state capital, VINACONEX proved to be stable in all aspects. In which, the goal of building and developing the Youth Union of VINACONEX Corporation is to become a typical example in the work of the Union of non-state enterprises.

With the achievements achieved in the last term, the Board of Directors of VINACONEX Corporation was honored to be awarded the medal by the Central Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union for the young generation - the highest award of the Union organization for the individuals who have contributed in the cause for the young generation.

The 5th Congress of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union of VINACONEX Corporation was a great success

The Board of Directors of the Corporation received the medal for the young generation

Also at the Congress, individuals and groups of VINACONEX Youth Union were awarded Certificates of Merit by the Standing Committee of the Central Youth Union and Hanoi Youth Union for their outstanding achievements.

The 5th Congress of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union of VINACONEX Corporation was a great success

The permanent collective of the Youth Union of VINACONEX Corporation, term IV, on behalf of the Executive Committee of the Corporation's Youth Union, went on stage to receive the Certificate of Merit from the Central Youth Union.

The 5th Congress of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union of VINACONEX Corporation was a great success

Representatives of groups with excellent achievements were awarded certificates of merit by the Standing Committee of Hanoi Youth Union

The 5th Congress of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union of VINACONEX Corporation was a great success

Individuals with excellent achievements were awarded certificates of merit by the Standing Committee of Hanoi Youth Union

Speaking at the congress, Mr. Dao Ngoc Thanh - Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Corporation clearly stated the role and position of the Youth Union in production and business activities, contributing to VINACONEX branding part. He asked the VINACONEX Youth Union to continue to inherit and promote the achieved achievements, continue to promote and implement the Youth Creative movement, emulating youth projects. The Youth Union is the core force taking the lead in integration and creativity, promoting initiatives and improving techniques to conquer future works and projects.

The 5th Congress of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union of VINACONEX Corporation was a great success

Mr. Dao Ngoc Thanh - Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Corporation acknowledged the contributions of the Youth Union in production and business activities, contributing to building the VINACONEX brand to rise higher and higher. reach far.

Comrade Nguyen Duc Tien, Central Committee of the Youth Union, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Youth Union, Chairman of the Hanoi Youth Union proposed a number of issues for the Youth Union of Vinaconex Corporation to concretize such as: Youth Union Vinaconex Corporation has to create an environment, inspire and at the same time always stand side by side with union members and young people, promote the intelligence, creative spirit and enthusiasm of youth in proposing and applying initiatives ideas, technical improvements, operational processes, new business ideas that contribute to the prosperous development of VINACONEX in the coming time; continue to further improve the quality of grassroots Union organizations, Union officials in the Corporation...; Regularly pay attention to training union members and youth; focus on challenging typical union members in order to monitor and propose elite union members to the Party for consideration and admission; Research appropriate solutions to improve the quality of elite union members towards meeting the term target of 70% of newly admitted party members being union members, youth...

The 5th Congress of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union of VINACONEX Corporation was a great success

Comrade Nguyen Duc Tien, Central Committee of the Youth Union, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Youth Union, Chairman of the Hanoi Youth Union proposed a number of issues to the Youth Union of Vinaconex Corporation in the next term.

With a high spirit of consensus, the delegates elected the VINACONEX Youth Union Executive Committee, term 2022-2027, including 21 comrades and 02 official delegates, 01 alternate delegate to the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union Congress. The 16th Hanoi City Hall, term 2022-2027; Mr. Hoang Thieu Bao was elected to hold the position of Secretary of VINACONEX Youth Union, term V, term 2022-2027. On behalf of the Executive Committee of the new term, Mr. Hoang Thieu Bao said: "I sincerely thank the congress for the trust and confidence and promise to promote the spirit of shock, solidarity, responsibility, and creativity. created by VINACONEX youth to complete the tasks assigned by the Corporation's Leaders, the Corporation's Party Committee and the Youth Union"

The 5th Congress of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union of VINACONEX Corporation was a great success

The Executive Committee of the Youth Union of VINACONEX Corporation, term V, term 2022 - 2027, was launched

The 5th Congress of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union of VINACONEX Corporation was a great success

Comrades in the Executive Committee, term IV, term 2017 - 2022, will stop participating in the Executive Committee of term V, term 2022 - 2027, come on stage to receive fresh flower bouquets and symbolic gifts instead of thanking them for their contributions in the past. past term.

The success of the 5th Congress of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union of ViNACONEX Corporation, term 2022 - 2027 will form a model to be replicated in the Youth Union at all levels, so that the remaining units can well organize the congress. association at your unit.
