The 8th Congress of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union VINACONEX Corporation, term 2022 -2027, was a great success -...


The 8th Congress of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union VINACONEX Corporation, term 2022 -2027, was a great success

Mon , 21/03/2022, 00:00:00 (GMT+7)

In the exciting atmosphere to celebrate the 91st anniversary of the establishment of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (March 26, 1931 - March 26, 2022), with the consent of the Party Committee, the Board of General Directors and the Youth Union of the Corporation. VINACONEX, today the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, the Corporation's agency, solemnly held the 8th Congress of Deputies, term 2022 - 2027.

The 8th Congress of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union VINACONEX Corporation, term 2022 -2027, was a great success

The 8th Congress of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union and the 8th VINACONEX Corporation took place at a moment of great significance, when the entire party, people and army tried to emulate and successfully implement the congressional resolution. 13th National Party Congress; At the time of our youth, we are trying our best to study and follow Ho Chi Minh's thought, example, morality and style, determined to successfully carry out political tasks and business activities in 2022. as well as the period of 2020 - 2025 according to the Resolution of the 5th Party Congress of the Corporation.

This is an important political event, a great festival of the youth of the Corporation, the congress is honored to welcome:

* On the side of Hanoi Youth Union:

1. Mr. Ly Duy Xuan – Deputy Secretary of the Youth Union, Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Hanoi Youth Union

2. Mr. Nguyen Tien Hung – Member of Standing Committee, Head of Propaganda Department of Hanoi Youth Union

* On the side of VINACONEX Corporation:

1. Mr. Nguyen Manh Cuong – Standing Deputy Secretary of the Corporation's Party Committee, Chairman of the Corporation's Trade Union.

2. Mr. Nguyen Khac Hai – Deputy General Director of TCT

3. Mr. Nguyen Quoc Huy – Secretary of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union of VINACONEX Corporation

4. Mr/Ms Nguyen Hai Lam – Chairman of the Trade Union of the Corporation

5. Mr. Vu Van Son - Former Secretary of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, VINACONEX Corporation, term VI.

Together with the representatives of the functional departments and especially the 66 official delegates of the congress, these are excellent cadres and union members, representing the wisdom, enthusiasm, ambition and belief of all officials. union members and youths of the Corporation's agencies to attend the congress.

The 8th Congress of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union VINACONEX Corporation, term 2022 -2027, was a great success

Attending the Congress were the delegates, distinguished guests and 66 official delegates of the congress.

At the congress, the VII Executive Committee had a report on evaluating the results of implementing the resolution of the 7th Congress of Vinaconex Corporation's Union, term 2017 - 2022. Accordingly, the Resolution The past period has been actively implemented and achieved comprehensive results despite facing many difficulties and challenges. This is the premise, so that the Youth Union work and youth movement of the Corporation's agency continue to be maintained and developed, worthy of being a political organization of youth, striving to contribute together with the Party Committee, The Board of Directors of VINACONEX branding corporation is growing day by day.

Speaking at the congress, Mr. Ly Duy Xuan - Deputy Secretary, Chairman of the Inspection Committee of the Youth Union praised the achievements that the Youth Union of the Corporation has achieved in recent years. He emphasized that the Youth Union of the Corporation has a particularly important role and position in the context that Vinaconex is carrying out the orientation of corporate restructuring throughout the Corporation, in which the General Administration of Company is the leading agency, pioneering in arranging and consolidating human resources in order to better adapt to the volatile business environment.

The 8th Congress of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union VINACONEX Corporation, term 2022 -2027, was a great success

Mr. Ly Duy Xuan - Deputy Secretary, Chairman of the Inspection Committee of the Youth Union praised the achievements that the Youth Union of the Corporation has achieved in recent years.

At the congress, comrade Nguyen Manh Cuong - Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the GDT gave a speech and assigned tasks to the Congress. During the last term, the Youth Union of the Corporation's agency has always received the attention and direct and comprehensive support of the Party Committee of the Corporation in educating, training and fostering the young generation, especially the young generation. the right direction and orientation, creating all favorable conditions for the activities of the Union

The 8th Congress of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union VINACONEX Corporation, term 2022 -2027, was a great success

Mr. Nguyen Khac Hai - Deputy General Director of TCT, delivered a congratulatory speech on the success of the Congress; At the same time, he affirmed that in advance of the new task requirements, the Youth Union should continue to strengthen its role and position, improve the quality of the Union's organization, strengthen the fostering of revolutionary ideals, and meet the requirements of the mission. production and business of the Corporation.

The 8th Congress of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union VINACONEX Corporation, term 2022 -2027, was a great success

Mr. Nguyen Khac Hai - Deputy General Director of TCT, delivered a congratulatory speech on the success of the Congress

Mr/Ms Nguyen Quoc Huy - Secretary of the Youth Union of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam gave a speech and direction

The congress selected and elected the executive committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, the VIII term of the Corporation, consisting of 07 comrades. The Congress also directly elected the Secretary to lead the Youth Union of the Corporation's agency to successfully implement the resolutions of the meeting with great consensus. Mr. Nguyen Duc Tu - Member of the Executive Committee of the Corporation's Youth Union was honored to be elected by the congress to hold the position of Secretary of the Youth Union of the Corporation for the term 2022 - 2027. Besides, the congress was elect a delegation of 20 delegates representing the youth of the Agency to attend the 5th Congress of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union of VINACONEX Corporation. The Congress approved the Resolution of the 5th Congress of the Corporation's Union. VIII with the vote of 100% of the delegates attending the meeting.

On behalf of the Executive Committee of the Youth Union of the Corporation, term VIII, Mr. Nguyen Duc Tu acknowledged the close and specific instructions of the leaders and promised that the new Executive Committee would unite and agree. with the pioneering spirit, bravery, intelligence and creativity, successfully implemented the resolution of the 8th Congress of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union delegation of the GDT agency, the 8th term 2022 - 2027.

The 8th Congress of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union VINACONEX Corporation, term 2022 -2027, was a great success

Executive Committee of VINACONEX Youth Union, Term VII, term of 2022 - 2027

The 8th Congress of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union VINACONEX Corporation, term 2022 -2027, was a great success

Comrades in the 7th Executive Committee, term 2017 - 2022, stop participating in the 8th Executive Committee, term 2022-2027, come to the stage to receive fresh flower bouquets and symbolic gifts instead of thanking them for their contributions in the past. past term.

Speaking at the closing of the congress, Mr. Hoang Thieu Bao - Secretary of the Youth Union of the Corporation's 7th term affirmed that the congress is an opportunity for the Corporation's youth to continue promoting the spirit of shock, creativity and enthusiasm. and responsibility, and at the same time, thank the leadership and direction of the Party Committee, Board of Directors, leaders of the Corporation, Hanoi Youth Union and other units for their interest and help to organize the Corporation's Union. congress success.
